Getting Started with Farluna Land

Farluna Land
6 min readSep 25, 2021


Starting the Game

The initial setup is a virtual community garden with 44x24 tiles (not all tiles can be planted). The map is divided into a (x, y) grid starting from 0,0 at the top left corner. Top left most plantable plot is at (2,6) and bottom right most plantable plot is at (46,30).

Type !FL join in the Discord server and the first 500 unique Discord players will each be given a set of 3 random crop seeds which could be of different rarity (Common, Uncommon and Rare), subsequent players will each start with only 1 packet of Common seeds.

A new plot will need to be tilled before planting can be done. Crops go through different stages and require different length of time to mature for harvest. Each plot can only be watered once a day which resets at 00:00 GMT.

Some crop types allow multi-harvest where the harvested plant can continue to be watered with a shorter maturity after the first harvest. Harvested crops can be sold at the local market for coins to purchase new seeds for planting the next batch. It is a community garden so everyone can help to water the plants, but only the owner can harvest his/her crops.

Supported Commands in Pre-Alpha

!FL join — Register your Discord account and join the game
!FL tillplot x,y — Till a farm plot at x,y location e.g. tillplot 2,6
!FL plant {crop} x,y — Plot a crop type at x,y location e.g. plant turnip 2,6
!FL water x,y — Water a farm plot at x,y location
!FL bag — List player inventory
!FL bal — Show current coin balance
!FL farm — Show current farm map
!FL myplots — List player planted plots
!FL harvest x,y — Harvest a mature crop at x,y location
!FL market — Check current market prices
!FL market buyseed {crop} — Buy a particular crop seed e.g. market buyseed potato
!FL market sell {harvested crop} — Sell a particular harvested crop e.g. market sell potato

Daily Energy

Each player has 20 energy and it resets every day at 00:00 GMT. The energy system is introduced to have ceiling to the number of crops a single player can concurrently manage, thereby restricting players from dominating the plots of a singe community garden. It would also encourage the players to develop a strategy on the optimal number of crops to plant and maximize productivity.

Note: Energy system was suspended in pre-alpha due to feature prioritization and will be re-introduced in due course.

Tilling the Farm Plot

Each farm plot needs to be tilled before seeds can be planted. It takes 1 energy to till a new plot or a plot that has just been harvested.

Note: There is currently a known issue in pre-alpha where a harvested plot remained tilled. These plots cannot be tilled again and instead is able to allow planting straight away.

Watering the Crops

Each plant can only be watered once a day and it takes 1 energy to water a plot. Growth status of all plants will be updated together at the start of each day at 00:00 GMT.

Changing of Seasons and Year

Each game season takes place over 1 month and a game year has the full Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter cycle of 4 months. Seasons will affect the availability of certain crop types as well as market prices due to supply and demand.

When a season changes, out of season crop types can no longer be planted. On the first day of the new season, crops that are mature can still be harvested but all out of season plants will die off on the second day of the new season.

This game mechanics is to ensure a healthy renewal of crops planted and free up plots for the new season. It also forces players to strategize the crop types and number of crops to plant in each season so that crops could make it in time for harvesting before the die off in the next season.

In addition, once a harvested crop is kept for a full year (e.g. a Spring harvested crop is kept till Spring of the following year), they would go bad and loses 90% of their value. This is to avoid hoarding behaviour and balance the supply in the following year. Lost of value was also decided over destroying the crops altogether so that dormant players are given a chance to still possibly start over with the remaining 10% sale value.

Year 0 Season 1 (Spring) Crops

— Common, 5 days to mature, single harvest
— Seeds are at 12 coins
— Available in Year 0: 100
— Harvested crop sells at 54 coins
Sold in Year 0 season: 27

— Uncommon, 8 days to mature, single harvest
— Seeds are at 15 coins
— Available in Year 0: 100
— Harvested crop sells at 72 coins
Sold in Year 0 season: 13

— Rare, 9 days to first mature, multi-harvest every 2 days
— Seeds are at 12 coins
— Available in Year 0: 100
— Harvested crop sells at 54 coins
Sold in Year 0 season: 16

Year 0 Season 2 (Summer) Crops

— Common, 10 days to mature, multi-harvest every 3 days
— Seeds are at 20 coins
— Harvested crop sells at 54 coins
— Available in Year 0: 100

— Uncommon, 15 days to mature, multi-harvest every 4 days
— Seeds are at 30 coins
— Harvested crop sells at 90 coins
— Available in Year 0: 100

— Rare, 12 days to first mature, single harvest
— Seeds are at 50 coins
— Harvested crop sells at 225 coins
— Available in Year 0: 100

Pre-Alpha Release on BTB Discord Server

Pre-alpha version of the game was started on 11 Sep 2021 in BTB Discord server as a dedicated #community-garden initiative to enhance engagement within the BTB recruits and members community. Other Townstar guilds were welcomed to participate as well.

A Discord bot was launched to handle the interactions from the players while the game mechanics were progressively developed at the feedback of the players. Pre-Alpha ended on 30 Sep 2021 and a new season was started which is opened to public within the BTB Discord server. Discord server owners may contact Discord user @Low-Cat1139#7044 to have the game added to their server.


Year 0 Season 1: Spring

- Start of pre-alpha game trial on 11 Sep 2021
- Introduced Turnip, Potato and Strawberry
- Discord bot support for commands
* join
* tillplot
* plant
* water
* bag
* bal
* farm
* myplots
* harvest
* market
- WIP: Reputation / XP system

Year 0 Season 2: Summer

- Oct 2021
- Turnip, Potato and Strawberry can no longer be planted
- No market sale for out of season seeds
- New crop types
- Seasonal prices
- Market prices by supply / demand
- Reinstate energy system

Year 0 Season 3: Fall

- Nov 2021
- Fall crop types
- Towns (i.e. multiple gardens)
- Cross town market
- Town speciality crops
- Fertilizer

Year 0 Season 4: Winter

- Dec 2021
- Indoor planting (all seasons crops available to plant but seeds not sold)
- Seeds randomly obtained when harvesting

Year 1 Season 1: Spring

- Jan 2022
- Spring crops harvested in Year 0 will go bad and lose 90% of value
- Last opportunity to buy Spring crop seeds from market. No seed sale from market from Year 1 Season 2

